Setup R environment

## Loading required package: sp

Read data

Summer<-stack("~/Downloads/Drought_frequency_raster_data/Summer_drought_freq") # historic frequency of drought weeks of calendar year 20-32 
Fall<-stack("~/Downloads/Drought_frequency_raster_data/Fall_drought_freq") # historic frequency of drought weeks of calendar year 33-45 
Winter<-stack("~/Downloads/Drought_frequency_raster_data/Winter_drought_freq") # historic frequency of drought weeks of calendar year 46-52,1:6  
Spring<-stack("~/Downloads/Drought_frequency_raster_data/Spring_drought_freq") # historic frequency of drought weeks of calendar year 7-19 
DT<-stack("~/Downloads/Drought_frequency_raster_data/Drought_timing_index") # Index to describe the timing of drought, the log ratio of spring to summer drought frequency

Extract points for Spring drought frequency

lat<-c(45.2, 50.6)
long<-c(10.1, 11.2)
extract(Spring, cbind(long, lat))
##          layer
## [1,] 0.4529000
## [2,] 0.3316879

Plot spring drought frequency and points

points(long, lat)